April, 1997 ----------- Data type: "b" Magnetometer data from the Canberra station commenced transfer to the ASFC. The magnetometer was one of the instruments from the STEL organisation from Japan which was already located at the IPS station as part of a chain of magnetometers along the 210 MM longitude. An IPS magnetometer data acquisition system (12-bit A/D) was connected to the ouput of the STEL magnetometer. There were some initial problems with noise spike which were overcome by placing the A/D PC up in the magnetometer hut rather than down in the IPS main building. The magnetometer has a LH coordinate system. 1 October, 1998 --------------- Data type: "d" Resolution was changed when the 12-bit A/D card was changed to a 16-bit A/D card. 28 October, 1999 ---------------- Data type: "e" Software upgrade to use separate resolution parameters for each magnetometer component and the z-component was scaled by -1, ie., inverted. (RAM - 9/11/99) 28 June, 2000 --------------- Data type: "e" GPS timing wasnt correcting PC clock. Replaced hard disk with upgraded version 1.1 and also replaced ethernet card. System booted OK but timing still wasnt correcting properly. Ran program "TCR /smpte" which showed correct GPS time. Re-configured for TCR-200B timing card (as was the case for the previous hard disk, but new hard disk was configured for TCR-500) and modified "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file. After re-booting, time correction tested OK. Had to reset A/D card device number to "2" and re-started recording. Removed the cover from the vandalised STEL magnetometer and dried up sensor heads. Attempted to level and orient the sensor. After adjusting the coarse and fine offsets of the main amplifier unit I was able to obtain sensible voltages for the H&Z components but not for the D component. 30 June, 2000 --------------- Data type: "e" Acquisition software upgraded on server to version 1.1. Replaced repaired cover onto STEL magnetometer sensor and re-aligned. After realigning sensor more carefully and resetting offsets I managed to get sensible voltages for all components. 2 August, 2000 ---------------- Dr. Seto re-aligned the STEL magnetometer sensor by nulling the D-componet to zero volts. 8 February, 2001 ------------------- Replaced PC monitor and checked GPS timing system. Both date and time were being adjusted correctly. Also replaced faulty GPS chip in STEL recording equipment (DCR-3MO) . (RAM) 15 October, 2002 ------------------- #Begin included email ------- Forwarded message follows ------- Please be advised that power to the IPS hut at MSO will be disconnected Friday 25th Oct from about 9.ooam to 2.oopm to allow maintenance work on the supply. Ian Sharpe Assistant Business Manager Mount Stromlo Observatory Cotter Road Weston Creek ACT 2611 Australia 6125 0247 (ph) 6125 0233 (fx) ------- End of forwarded message ------- #End included email (RAM - 15/10/02)) 19 November, 2003 ------------------------ >>> Please note that ESO will be moving some of their gear from the mountain this Friday. This will involve some very large trucks on the road especially in the morning. Your patience & understanding will be appreciated & please be careful. -- Ian Sharpe Assistant Business Manager Research School of AstroPhysics Mount Stromlo Observatory Canberra ACT 02 61250247 (ph) 02 61250233 (fx) <<< 2 Feb, 2006 (RAM) ------------------ Field worked around station commenced with heavy traffic 16 Jan, 2006 with lighter traffic possible the weeks before. Heavy traffic expected to end week ending 3 Feb. ------------------------- 8 March, 2006 (RAM/KM) Phil arrived at Canberra station approx 9.15 LT and will be there for a few hours. Bill Roberts has also been to the site at the same time. ------------------------------ 12-17 May, 2006 (BB/RAM) Problems with data processing produced intermittent data gaps during this period. [5854310] Canberra.mag red Fri May 12 09:56:15 2006 me060512.cbr was appended to 160 minutes ago [6658810] Canberra.mag red Fri May 12 15:56:15 2006 me060512.cbr was appended to 520 minutes ago [7609810] Canberra.mag red Fri May 12 21:56:15 2006 me060512.cbr was appended to 240 minutes ago [8694110] Canberra.mag red Sat May 13 03:56:16 2006 me060512.cbr was appended to 600 minutes ago [5327010] Canberra.mag red Sat May 13 15:56:17 2006 me060513.cbr was appended to 310 minutes ago [6514710] Canberra.mag red Sun May 14 22:06:18 2006 me060514.cbr was appended to 905 minutes ago [1929010] Canberra.mag red Mon May 15 10:16:19 2006 me060515.cbr was appended to 150 minutes ago [6738710] Canberra.mag red Tue May 16 11:54:30 2006 me060516.cbr was appended to 158 minutes ago [5079510] Canberra.mag red Tue May 16 18:54:30 2006 me060516.cbr was appended to 149 minutes ago [5506010] Canberra.mag red Wed May 17 03:34:30 2006 me060517.cbr was appended to 153 minutes ago [7109010] Canberra.mag red Wed May 17 09:34:30 2006 me060517.cbr was appended to 213 minutes ago [8503710] Canberra.mag red Wed May 17 15:34:30 2006 me060517.cbr was appended to 573 minutes ago ------------------------------------------------------ 22 May, 2006 (BR - STROMLO/RAM) Man-made noise spikes possible 17-22 May due to activity around field station (see below). "Hi IPS Support, Last week, Environment ACT were burning some wood piles left over from the forest cleanup after the 2003 fires. One of these burns dropped an ember into the paddock around the CBR station and resulted in a grass fire. It looks like there has been some minor damage to the Magnetometer Hut external aircon unit and possibly to the cable running from the small antennae on the Mag Hut roof (a GPS receiver??). As far as I can tell, the equipment in the Mag Hut appears to be working normally and there was no damage to anything inside the Mag Hut. The time on the recorder in the hut looks correct." -------------------------------- 28th August, 2006 (RAM) IPSNET I have received advice from the electricity company that power pole replacements will be occuring in the vicinity of Canberra station on Tuesday, 19 September 2006 between 0830 and 1530. Power will be off during this period. Regards Kay --------------------------------------- 5 September, 2006 (RAM) Please note that the electricity supply to the site will be interrupted by ACTEW on Saturday 23rd September to allow for the replacement of defective power poles. The scheduled timing for this is from 8:30 to 15:30. However it is likely the work will be finished around lunchtime. To avoid any potential damage please turn off electronic equipment at the power point before leaving on Friday. Thanks Michael Michael Maloney Admin Building (A1.07) Research School of Astrophysics and Astronomy Australian National University Cotter Rd, Weston, ACT, 2611 Australia -------------------------------- 6 September, 2006 (RAM) IPSNET I have received a further advice of rescheduled pole replacement in the Stromlo district. I cannot be certain that the new date replaces the old date as the elecricity authority has not contacted me to confirm this. The new date is Saturday, 23/9/06, 0830 to 1530. We assume that this is replacing Tuesday, 19/9/06, 0830 - 1530 but I cannot be sure of this. Regards Kay 6-9-06 Kay Mitchell Executive Officer, IPS Radio & Space Services Dept of Industry, Tourism & Resources Level 6 North Wing, 477 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 PO Box 1386, Haymarket NSW 1240 Ph +61 2 9213 8004 Fax +61 2 9213 8060 ----------------------------------- Data flow restored approx 0100UT on 15 Nov. Fix as yet unknown. RAM ----------------------------------------------------- 15 November, 2006 (RAM) We had a power outage this morning from 8:30 until noon. Cheers, Bill (Stromlo) ------------------------------------------------ [4903610] Canberra.mag red Tue Jun 5 07:28:24 2007 me070605.cbr was appended to 297 minutes ago ------------------------------------------------ 5 June, 2007 (CT/RAM) G'Day Stromlo FYI we appear to have lost communication with our site @ CBR At your earliest convenience please investigate. The usual suspects:- site/building power outage modem dead or hung IPS comms PC dead or hung CU Later -- Campbell IT Services IPS Radio & Space Services ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 June, 2007 (BP/RAM) News from Yangil at Canberra. Reason for no phone line: Someone clearing a fire break with a grader has cut it. Telstra has been out but no simple fix. They should be back tomorrow with digging equipment. Bruce. -------------------------------------------------------------- 7 June, 2007 (CT/RAM) FYI Telstra appears to have recently repaired the IPS site phone lines Thank you for your assistance. Regards & CU Later Campbell ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 September, 2007 I will be visiting the field station tomorrow 18 Sept with the SERC staff. There is likely to be interference to the magnetometer data as the instrument will be aligned. RAM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Outage: ~1100UT 25/11/07 - 0335UT 5/12/07 Problem: MAG PC faulty power supply replaced. RAM ------------------------------------------------------Updated Geomagnetic coordinates at Fri May 10 06:46:17 GMT 2013 using date: 2010 Updated Geomagnetic coordinates at Fri May 10 06:50:43 GMT 2013 using date: 2010 Updated Geomagnetic coordinates at Fri May 10 06:55:20 GMT 2013 using date: 2010 Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Fri May 10 07:28:49 UTC 2013 Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Mon May 13 01:40:33 UTC 2013 Updated z-offsets on Mon May 13 01:41:43 UTC 2013 Entry added on Mon May 13 06:38:12 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:40:14 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:43:37 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Jun 26 08:22:38 UTC 2013 Mofifications to software giving baseline shift from 00UT on 26/6/2013 _________________________________________ Entry added on Fri Jun 28 06:17:53 UTC 2013 Software updates created offset changes 00UT _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed May 17 04:01:39 UTC 2017 Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Jun 23 01:11:00 UTC 2021 Timestamp in LT rather than UT since 2021-06-09. _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon Jul 05 01:52:00 UTC 2021 Timestamp changed to UT from LT on 2021-07-01. The data have correct timestamp starting at 2021-07-01 10:00:18.00 UT. _________________________________________ Entry added on Fri Jul 16 03:15:00 UTC 2021 The D component has been flat since 2018-06-10. The H component is okay.